Combo Cut
Features of the Combo Cut Call:
Cut Design: A batwing-style notch right down the center for rasp and aggressive calling. A small slit or notch on the opposite side to maintain control and add a clean front-end yelp.This design allows air to flow over the reeds in a way that produces a unique break-over between tones.
Sound Profile: Sharp, aggressive yelps and cutts with a distinct rollover.Medium-to-heavy rasp for realistic hen talk. This call can also produce clucks, purrs, and kee-kee runs with proper air control.
Usage: Excellent for aggressive calling sequences, such as cutting and loud yelping but atill capable of soft tree yelps and purrs, making it a well-rounded call.Ideal for both locator calling and realistic, close-range turkey talk.
Best For: Hunters who want one call that can do it all from loud, raspy yelps to soft finesse calling.Those looking for a balanced diaphragm with both control and power.